environmentally friendly
La Chaise Française is committed to a long-term sponsorship with "Plantons pour futur".
Thanks to donations from its patrons, "Plantons pour l'Avenir" supports reforestation and research projects, and also responds to the current and future challenges of forests in the wood sector in France.
The principle is simple: buy a French chair = a tree planted in a sustainably managed French forest.
Let us act together.
short circuit
Today, the majority of chairs are machined in China with wood from Eastern countries.
Faced with this situation, here are our promises:
- Our wood comes from forests located at most 200 km around our factory.
- All forests are PEFC and sustainably managed.
made in france
Our chairs are entirely made in France in our factory in the Aube department.
By choosing Made In France, we are helping to maintain know-how and promote local life. ``
In short, chairs with a timeless design and designed near you!
In picture: Hubert, manufacturer of French chairs.

environmentally friendly
zero waste
The design of a chair is made by cutting the wood which gives it its shape. This operation naturally creates chips and wood scraps.
Through a vacuum system, we recover all these "remains". to ensure the heating of the factory.
water color
The paint coated on our everyday products can be very chemical.
Our chairs are simply painted with water-based paint!
Do not be afraid the quality is the same and even better!